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Friday, August 31, 2012

Buy a Honda Fit

Yeah thats right ladies. 109 Horsepower. It runs on corn. 0-60 in 45 seconds flat. Booya. Move over Bugati Veyron, Lamborghini Diablo and Dodge Viper, the Honda Fit is here. And I have one. Jet black. Also there is enough trunk room to fit twenty dead hookers. Thats why they call it the Fit. It Fits your lifestyle, even if you are Charlie Sheen. But in all seriousness for a gigging musician, it's a pretty good deal.
The other day, I raced a quarter mile against couple of guys on street bikes. One of them had a helmet with spikes on it and a video camera. Needless to say, they won, by about a quarter mile. Generally, anyone with spikes on their helmet is going to be pretty fast. Spikes = faster than Honda Fit. Moral of this story. If your goal in purchasing a car is to wrangle up the ladies, please take this warning, this is NOT the car for you. The comments you will receive from friends and onlookers will be something more to the effect of "hey where do you put the tampon", "my suburban shit one of these last week", "is this for your meetings at the YMCA?", and "dude......dude (shakes head with regret)". But Im confident that I will have the last laugh when gas is $45.00 a gallon and my friends with their Ford F-150s and SUV's that burn up half a tank on exiting a parking lot. Long live the Fit!