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Monday, August 30, 2010

I Appreciate my Fans More and More

Although my following is still a very small one, there seems to be a slightly increasing amount of people who come out to see me from time to time. This is always a wonderful thing to see, of course, not only because it gives me a little bit of confidence in yourself (if I were atrociously, pants-shittingly terible this probably wouldn't happen) but also because (and I never really noticed this until recently) you begin to develop relationships, however seemingly minute or ephemeral, with new probably would have never known. It can be enjoyable, interesting, enlightening, maybe even strange, but I find myself sitting down during breaks or after shows and enjoying the company of my listeners more and more. It's comforting to connect with a complete stranger through a God-given medium (music)and begin mapping out each others souls over a beer and soft bar chatter. It seems to me alot of tension between strangers on the street that end in conflict seems to be linked with each person fearing something in the other. Singing along with people and then talking with them between sets gets the underlying social tension melting like snow in april.

I wanted to say thank you to all of you (every single one, and especially all my friends!) who have come out to see me at a show. I really enjoy seeing your faces in the audience and it always gives me a little rush when I see you guys walking in the door during a set.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Wakey, wakey

So being employed as a full time musician, a.k.a. being a rockstar, I have an extremely late schedule. Waking up at and/or after noon or one doesn't make you a slacker when you work til' 1-2AM with a several hour drive back home. Anyone who says "wow, it must be nice to sleep til' noon" I would quickly reply "yeah and it must be nice to be able to fall asleep at ten P.M. and not just be just starting work.........douche". Anyways, that having been said, in the event that my blog posts are time-stamped, you may be asking yourself "why, Dylan, why would you be awake at 9:08 A.M?" If they are not time stamped, then guess what? Its 9:08 A.M. Anyways , you may be saying, "Well Dylan that's not very Rock-star of you, my grandma sleeps later than you" Well, my faithful blog reading buddy, its because I am renting from my family (which has up's-like a pool and really low rent and a living space I could never afford on my own......and down's-like being awake right now). And for the last few days and for the next few we are baby sitting some of our relatives little dog. This little dog is cute and fluffy, it is a Yorkie.

(Pwease, wuv me?)

Now before you go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" stop. This dog is not as nearly cute, and for some reason also seemingly less fluffy, when you are awoken at 7:30 AM for 4 days and counting because the dog begins to barking obnoxiously loud outside of your door when it's social anxiety disorder kicks in and it wants to get into your room. This repeated association (Pavlov, Pavlov Pavlov) of "cute little animal" with "extreme exhaustion and unhappiness" will immediately take the cuteness of it down several points on the 1 to 10 scale, possibly into the negatives. The rockstar schedule does not allow for the repeated waking up at a time when you can still catch the weather on the news. It is not a schedule that one should think about coffee and the sunrise and morning rush hour. This should all be slept through, like that skit on Saturday night live when Chris Farley is in a commercial for cold medicine that he drinks 3 gallons of and sleeps through the entire cold season. I should be sleeping through the morning grind; my cold season. But no, I am awash in a sea of torment, sitting next to a happy Yorkie, wagging its little demonic tail and smiling at me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Song a Brewin'

Hey guys,

Its been a while since I've posted, I need to get into the habit of doing this every few days instead of sporadically. Well yesterday I finally decided to stop being a douche and put some hours onto a song I half completed. Its turning out great and as soon as I finish it, Im going to be recording it and posting it up on Youtube for all of you to see/comment/critique/enjoy. Its actually a song about Ingrid Michaelson. Now you're probably asking yourself why would I go ahead and do that? Well thats, simple; because I am stalking her. No, actually Im just really into her music and writing and I watched a few interviews with her and she seems like a really interesting person. I have a very distant dream of trying to date her. Of course this probably will never happen, but I think its a much better dream than trying to go for Katy Perry, since she seems secretly evil and is married to Russel Brant.

So this songs intention, of course, is for me to gain national success with it and her to hear and swoon like in Disney movies where all this crap starts orbiting around the head of the person who is swooning, you know what Im talking about, right?

(See, look at that face!? How could I not write a song for her?)

Anyways, when I finally crank this out, Ill post it up here and I hope you guys let me know what you think!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Snorkeling in Florida

Ok so the gigs went real well. Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long for that last one. But yeah, my grandfather is fine, my mom is fine, the bike is fine (he is still riding, he is hardcore) and we all had a great time down in Fl. I got to try para-sailing, jet-skiing and snorkeling all for the first time, which were three of the most exciting things I have ever done in my life. I recommend that everyone go out at least one time in your life and snorkel if you get the chance. Don't waste your time in the Chesapeake bay trying with the dead seagulls and jellyfish stinging you in the face; on top of its completely bland aquatic life, we've polluted that bay so bad its like snorkeling in a Porta-Potty. Next time you are on vacation somewhere where the water is clear and the fish are bright make sure you snorkel. We were snorkeling on the 3rd largest barrier reef in the world, so it seemed surreal the whole time having never seen blue water in my life and then seeing that. When you get to the real deep areas its a terrifying, beautiful experience. Watching the sea floor drop down about 50 feet and thinking about the sluggish leviathans that rule the deep will probably get your heartbeat going. Of course if you spot a shark that will work wonders, too. I actually didn't see any sharks, although I tried by swimming about 300 yards away from the group away from the barrier reef, but I saw a ton of fish I have never seen before and a couple monster size fish that were just wandering around in no particular direction. Maybe a song is in order? Oh yeah I can hear it now...."you're my sexy little fish lady swimming around with your big empty eyes and shaking your fin my way, oooo la la la"