You may have heard of this movie. Bradley Cooper, Di Nero, a cute blonde chick that cuts creepy men with little girls feet? Yeah.
Thats "Limitless". Fantastically adrenaline pumping thriller of a movie. It has a couple loose ends at the credits, but by then I was so pumped I easily forgave the writers....and those hyper-zoom camera shots feel like you're in the thing Jody Foster helped them build in Contact. If you haven't seen this formula 1 car of a movie, it goes like this (don't worry no spoiler). Poor Bradley Cooper is a unproductive writer with an increasingly long streak of writer's block. He is stagnant in every way, unkempt, unmotivated, unable to focus...and his hair looks upsettingly like mine.
Which is why Im getting a haircut very soon. Anyways. He runs into his ex brother-in-law on the street who , over a couple drinks notices how terrible he looks and offers to him a "sample" of a "product" (called NZT) he is "legally" distributing. He even assures him its FDA approved. After a few hours of reluctance but realizing his ever increasing desperation to alleviate his terrible purgatory of a life, Cooper takes the pill and in thirty seconds the haze is lifted. His vision, hearing and every sense is heightened. He becomes aware of every noise, sensation, and piece of information around him. Manically, ee finishes his entire long overdue novel in four days, masters the piano in three, discovers he can inadvertently learn any foreign language by half-heartedly listening to audio tapes while he jogs. He becomes personable, charming, likable, a social prodigy, a marketing whiz, completely fearless in every situation. He becomes a super genius, limited only by the laws of physics.
Side effects of the pill, that would later be revealed to him include; crippling headaches, blackouts (which during the course of you may or may not kill a hooker), noticably bloodshot eyes, and russians trying to kill you. So the question is, side effects............aside..heh..heh...if there were some drug out on the market that would allow you to experience unfettered access to your subconscious, allowing you retain and recall every piece of information you encountered, learn at an exponentially increasing rate would you take it? Im truly curious. Answer below, best response gets a one month supply of NZT!! YAY!!!!